5 California Joy Summer Essentials

Summer sunshine goes hand in hand with good vibes and fun! Spending long days near your favorite splash pad, remembering the playful childhood days spent the same way, brings forward greater appreciation for slowing down and soaking in the present. Perhaps the biggest gift of this summer is an opportunity to find all the reasons we love where we are, and hold that close. Simply finding joy in small things and in blissful details is easily one of my favorite things about this season.

Here are 5 summer essentials that are giving us flashes of delight:

Fresh thyme sprigs, a juicy summer peach & ice water!

Fresh thyme sprigs, a juicy summer peach & ice water!

  1. Herbal infused water-

It’s HOT and nothing is more cooling, invigorating and just plain pretty to drink than herb infused water in your favorite glass… What is growing near you? Rosemary? Basil or thyme? Any of these fragrant herbs make a lovely addition to cold water. Throw in some ice cubes and some slices of fresh fruit if you please… Set it out on the counter with glasses and watch how quickly you and your family hydrate the day away!

On Spotify!

On Spotify!

2. Tunes-

Playing my favorite summer playlist keeps all the warm vibes going strong! And, especially when my mindset feels a little ‘off’ (covid blues anyone?!), I just que up a favorite playlist for an immediate mood boost! Dance around the house and grab the nearest kiddo for an impromptu dance session! Currently playing:

Studio Joy x Summer on Spotify

3. Favorite Candle-

With typical summer travel plans on hiatus, I’m finding creative ways to transport in spirit to a beach-y locale. The Malibu candle is breezy and fresh!! I’m sure I’ll be choosing this scent over and over until at least the first cold day of fall or until I can actually sink my toes in the sand!!

Sun Bum coming soon to the Studio Joy Shoppe!

Sun Bum coming soon to the Studio Joy Shoppe!

4. Sun Bum Sunscreen-

This summer, every opportunity I have to spend time outdoors, I go happily! My favorite go-to sunscreen, Sun Bum, is on heavy rotation for the whole family! It’s the first thing we lather on before our daily dose of vitamin D! The scent is classic summer and the rich formula with vitamin e has the best silky application!

5. Facial Mist- My skin also appreciates an extra hydration boost during the dry months of summer heat! I keep my hydrating facial mist with me in my purse when I run out on errands or after working out. A quick spritz provides such a refreshing drink for my skin, and the rose, neroli and ylang ylang brings me back to center. I also use it as a toner on my clean skin before applying my restore serum in the morning or at night! 

Tell us some of your favorite summer essentials in the comments!

Joy shared is joy multiplied!!


AM Moreno